This section provides a set of historical listings of the recipients of RAeC Awards and Trophies. Abbreviated citations will be added (where available) in due course.

We would like to extend the citations back in time to cover all recipients. This will be done as information becomes available. If you can help with any older Awards Ceremony programmes or other sources of information, please contact us.

Note that the dates quoted relate to the years for which the awards were made, not when they were presented. For RAeC awards, the presentations are usually in the following year .

FAI awards are usually presented to the UK delegation at the FAI conference in the following year, and re-presented at the RAeC event the year after.

Please click on the titles below for listings for each award.

The Britannia Trophy

Presented in 1913 by Horatio Barber, for the British aviator or aviators accomplishing the most meritorious performance in aviation during the preceding year.

The Prince of Wales Cup

Presented in 1976 by the President, HRH The Prince of Wales, for annual award for the most meritorious performance, feat or event by a team or group during the preceding year.

The Gold Medal of the Royal Aero Club

 First awarded in 1908, the gold, silver and bronze medals are awarded annually for outstanding achievement in aviation.

The Royal Aero Club Diploma

Established in 1984 and awarded to those who have served the Royal Aero Club, Sporting Aviation or Aviation in general by their meritorious endeavours.

The Silver Medal of the Royal Aero Club

First awarded in 1908, the gold, silver and bronze medals are awarded annually for outstanding achievement in aviation.

The Bronze Medal of the Royal Aero Club

First awarded in 1908, the gold, silver and bronze medals are awarded annually for outstanding achievement in aviation.

Companion of the Royal Aero Club

Established in 1996 and awarded for significant contributions to the activities of the Royal Aero Club.
Established in 1985 and awarded to those who, while not eligible for a major Royal Aero Club Award, have served the cause of Aviation in general, or Sporting Aviation in particular, by their work, devotion or initiative.

Established in 1988 and awarded annually for an outstanding performance by a British aviator in a flying apparatus or device designed and built in the United Kingdom.

The Breguet Trophy

Presented by Sir John Fairey, MBE. Awarded annually jointly by the Royal Aero Club and the Aero Club de France for achievement in the field of aviation that substantially produces the advantages of rotary winged flight, including VTOL and jet-lift aircraft.

The President’s Rolex Trophy

Established in 1988 and awarded annually to a young person or group of young people between the ages of fourteen and twenty one, for outstanding work, performance or achievement in connection with any aspect of aerospace activity. Ceased after 2009.

The President’s Breitling Trophy

Established in 2010 and awarded annually to a young person or group of young people between the ages of fourteen and twenty one, for outstanding work, performance or achievement in connection with any aspect of aerospace activity. Accompanied by Breitling Certificates of Recognition for runners-up.
Established in 1997 and awarded annually to a person aged 65 or over who flies or who has only ceased flying in the previous year, and who has been conspicuously involved in aviation and sport aviation in particular, for their work, initiative, devotion or in other ways.

Established in 1997 and awarded annually to the journalist, producer or author of the outstanding media item on sporting and recreational aviation during the previous year.

Certificate of Appreciation of the RAeC

Established in 1998 and awarded in recognition of the vital help provided to British air sport by those who support the RAeC or its member organisations by means of sponsorship or the provision of facilities for national teams or otherwise.

Ann Welch Memorial Award

Established in 2005. It acknowledges people making a major contribution to flying instruction benefitting the BGA, BMAA, and BHPA.

The Norton Griffiths Challenge Trophy

Established in 2008. Intended to recognise adventurous endeavours, this trophy is awarded to aviators undertaking outstanding feats of courage, tenacity and imagination unrelated to traditional sporting events.